Key Personnel Adjustments Declared by the Cobb County School Board

Amid a succession of noteworthy personnel announcements, which marked critical transitions and appointments within the district, the Cobb County School Board disclosed them during its recent Thursday evening meeting. The following modifications are scheduled to be implemented on July 1st: a new assistant superintendent will be in place, in addition to the reassignment of current administrators and the appointment of new principals.

Out of the district’s schools, five new principals have been selected to implement their respective philosophies and areas of expertise. Following his transition from his previous position as Assistant Principal at Pearson Middle School, Mitchell Askew will be appointed Principal of East Cobb Middle School. Milford Elementary School will welcome Tiffany Jones, who is presently the Assistant Principal at Green Aces Elementary School, to assume the position of Principal. Elizabeth Marsili, moving from her position as Assistant Principal at Kennesaw Elementary School to Teasley Elementary School, will assume the role of principal. Authorized to preside over Smyrna Elementary School is Amber Little, who is presently the assistant principal at Compton Elementary School. At Garrison Mill Elementary School, Ruth Martin, who is presently serving as an assistant principal, will be promoted to the position of principal.

Furthermore, Mari (LeEla) Martin, presently the Principal of Campbell Middle School, will be appointed Principal of Simpson Middle School. She will continue to provide guidance to the school community by virtue of her leadership and specialized knowledge.

Additionally, as of June 1, the district extends a warm greeting to Kevin Carpenter, the incumbent principal of Cheatham Hill Elementary, who assumes the role of one of the associate superintendents. Elizabeth Mavity, who previously held the position and is scheduled to retire on July 1, has been succeeded by Carpenter. Conversely, an additional assistant superintendent, Christian Suttle, will be transferring to Bartow County Schools to assume the role of deputy superintendent. Suttle was wished success in his new endeavor by Superintendent Chris Ragsdale, who conveyed appreciation for his service to the district.

Durham Middle School Principal Andrew Bristow, who will retire on July 1 after a distinguished career in education, bids farewell to the district amidst these transitions.

The district’s dedication to cultivating proficient leadership and maintaining a regular stream of high-quality education for students is reflected in these personnel adjustments. Positioned to uphold the district’s mission of academic excellence and student success, the newly appointed principals and assistant superintendent possess a multitude of experience and commitment in their respective faculties.

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Interest parties anxiously await the favorable outcomes that will ensue from these transitions at Cobb County Schools, including the ongoing progress of the district and the improved educational experiences of its students.

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