Preservation: Cherokee’s Salacoa Farming Legacy Bennett Family

Cherokee County’s Salacoa region has been home to the Bennett family’s successful farming operation and lasting relationships with the land for centuries. With pride, John Bennett Jr., Joy Adams-Bennett, and Bear live on Salacoa Road, continuing the family’s agricultural tradition.

After growing up in Salacoa’s undulating hills and fertile fields, Bennett’s love of the land is profound. In 1846, his family settled in the neighborhood, and his childhood home is still there. Across the street, the Bennett Grocery Store, once a neighborhood hub, today preserves bygone days.

Bennett remembers the abundant maize and cotton fields of Salacoa, where he grew up. Cotton growing gave way to chicken farming, changing the landscape and local economy.

Bennett’s father’s legacy inspired his 47-year poultry career. He loved agriculture despite his career. Bennett has a successful commercial cattle enterprise. His black Angus cattle are known for their quality and productivity.

Bennett believes his son-in-law Brad Cox will continue the family’s farming history. They want to keep Salacoa’s rustic charm and uphold hard labor and stewardship.

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Bennett sees Salacoa as a way of life, a place where generations of people find peace in nature and community. He is certain that the Bennett family’s legacy in Cherokee County’s Salacoa community will last for decades, a monument to agriculture’s enduring spirit and values.

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