What you need to understand about the Cherokee Nation’s special election in 2024

In 2024, the Cherokee Nation is holding a special election, something that doesn’t happen often. This election is happening because the tribe needs to decide if they should have a big meeting called a constitutional convention.

This meeting hasn’t happened since 1999, and it’s a big deal because it’s all about discussing and maybe changing the rules that govern the tribe.

The election day for this special event is set for June 15, 2024, which falls on a Saturday. Before that, though, there are some important dates everyone needs to keep in mind. The deadline to register to vote is March 29, 2024. If you’re eligible to vote and haven’t registered yet, make sure to do so before this date.

If you can’t make it to the polling stations on election day, you can still participate by voting with an absentee ballot. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is April 5, 2024. Also, there are options for early voting on June 8 and June 11-13, 2024, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Now, if most people vote “yes” to having a constitutional convention, then a special group of seven people will be chosen to lead it. These seven people will come from different parts of the tribal government, like the executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

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Looking back, the last time the Cherokee Nation had a constitutional convention was in 1999. During that time, they made a lot of changes to their rules. The new rules they made then came into effect in 2003. It’s important to remember that this kind of event doesn’t happen often, so it’s a big deal when it does.

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