The Peach Buzz: Dive into the Season’s Bounty with a Bushel of Recipes

As peach season approaches, anticipation is high for the juicy, sun-ripened bounty that Georgia is famous for. The Peach Buzz is here to help you make the most of this delightful season with a bushel of mouthwatering recipes that celebrate the versatility of this beloved fruit.

From sweet to savory, peaches can elevate a wide range of dishes. Start your day with a refreshing peach smoothie or indulge in peach pancakes topped with fresh slices and a drizzle of honey. For lunch, a peach and arugula salad with goat cheese and pecans offers a perfect blend of flavors and textures.

Dinner can feature peaches in surprising ways, such as a grilled peach and chicken salad or a peach-glazed pork tenderloin. The sweetness of the peaches pairs beautifully with the savory elements, creating a harmonious balance.

Desserts are where peaches truly shine. Classic peach cobbler, peach pie, and peach ice cream are perennial favorites that never fail to impress. For a modern twist, try peach parfaits layered with yogurt and granola or grilled peaches served with a dollop of mascarpone and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a kitchen novice, these recipes will help you savor the season’s bounty and celebrate the rich flavors of Georgia peaches. Get ready to enjoy the peach buzz!

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