Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Announces Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis

In a recent announcement, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee revealed that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The Texas congresswoman, known for her dedication to public service and advocacy on numerous issues, shared the news with her constituents and supporters, emphasizing her determination to continue her work while undergoing treatment.

Rep. Jackson Lee, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1995, expressed her gratitude for the support and prayers she has received from her family, friends, and colleagues. Despite the diagnosis, she remains committed to her legislative duties and to representing the people of Texas’s 18th congressional district.

Pancreatic cancer is known for being particularly aggressive and challenging to treat. Jackson Lee’s announcement brings attention to the disease and underscores the importance of early detection and research for better treatment options.

In her statement, Rep. Jackson Lee highlighted the significance of healthcare access and support for those battling serious illnesses, aligning with her long-standing advocacy for healthcare reform and support for medical research funding. She also expressed confidence in her medical team and optimism about her treatment plan.

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As she embarks on this challenging journey, Rep. Jackson Lee’s resilience and commitment to her constituents remain unwavering. Her diagnosis has sparked an outpouring of support from across the political spectrum, with many praising her strength and dedication to public service.

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