Upstate New York Bridge Renamed to Honor Fallen Trooper After 22 Years

In a heartfelt tribute to a fallen hero, a bridge in upstate New York has been renamed in honor of a state trooper who was killed in the line of duty 22 years ago. The bridge, now bearing the name of Trooper James J. Waters, stands as a solemn reminder of his sacrifice and dedication to public service.

Trooper Waters tragically lost his life in 2002 while responding to a call on a rural highway. His bravery and commitment to protecting the community have not been forgotten. The renaming ceremony was attended by his family, fellow law enforcement officers, and community members, all of whom gathered to pay their respects and celebrate his enduring legacy.

The decision to rename the bridge was driven by a collective effort from local officials, the state police department, and the community. It reflects a deep appreciation for the risks that law enforcement officers take daily and serves to keep Trooper Waters’ memory alive. The new signage not only commemorates his service but also aims to inspire future generations to honor and support those who dedicate their lives to public safety.

During the ceremony, speakers highlighted Trooper Waters’ exemplary service record and the impact he had on his colleagues and the community. His family expressed profound gratitude for the recognition, noting that the renaming of the bridge provides a sense of closure and honor to his legacy.

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The newly named Trooper James J. Waters Memorial Bridge stands as a lasting tribute, ensuring that his heroism and dedication to duty are remembered and cherished for years to come.

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