‘Stop PG&E’: Protesters Rally Against Rising Power Costs, Call for Newsom’s Intervention

In Sacramento, California —

The California State Capitol was the site of a demonstration by PG&E customers on Tuesday, as their anger over exorbitant power bills continued to build.

People on low incomes told ABC10 that they have to pick between paying for electricity and buying food.

Protesters from the Stop PG$E organization beat a drum and shouted, “Governor, enough is enough, stop PG&E.” as they paced in front of the state building.

Kelly Smith, an organizer, drove from Grass Valley.

After Smith moved into her pool house in 2021, she noticed that her monthly electricity cost was $220. It increased by over 100% during the summer.

I turned off the pool and kept the air conditioning at 85 degrees during the heat wave last month, and my bill was over $800. The price was $600 a month ago. After all our conservation efforts, we are still mostly in the dark, Smith lamented.

'Stop PG&E' Protesters Rally Against Rising Power Costs, Call for Newsom's Intervention (1)

Erica Hall is just one of several who contacted ABC10 via email to get assistance. According to the single mother, her monthly payment increased from $200 to $800.

Since Hall’s consumption is roughly the same as last year yet her bills have not changed, she even had PG&E inspect her meter.


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The grocery cost is so expensive that I can’t afford to buy as much food as I used to. Hall lamented that she was only able to buy her children a new backpack this year due to the high cost of tuition.

Outside the state capitol, demonstrators demanded a rate cut and the appointment of CPUC members by the voters.

“Think carefully about your vote. “Check to see if PG&E is throwing money at their campaign,” Smith said.

In response to ABC10’s request for comment, PG&E sent the following statement:

Increases in the cost of living, particularly energy bills, have been a source of frustration for many of our clients. We are dedicated to helping our customers reduce their energy usage and expenses and are working hard to stabilize their prices.

Customers can take advantage of energy efficiency incentive programs and PG&E’s many other financial assistance initiatives to lower their monthly rates.

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